Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thanga Nilavinil from Tirumanam

Earth Day. How sad, that it takes a major climate change for the world to unite. To try and heal her. We have done all possible damage to her. All in the name of development. And, now that she has become fragile, we seek ways to make her a better. Human beings - we are filled with greed and selfishness. With our future in jeopardy, we are looking high and low to a greener world. Absurd yet desperate. Still not late, I believe.
So, this is kind of a toast - to make everyday Earth Day. With simple ways - like turning the tap off while we brush our teeth, using the cycle instead of the car and planting a tree every week.

AM Raja has a wonderful voice that can lullaby the restless of hearts to deep slumber. Legend.

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