Monday, October 4, 2010

Mazhai Nindra from Raman Thediya Seethai - yet again, an ode to rain.

The love bug is still around, but gradually toning down. Good, in a sense. With so much of work to do, getting all delirious and frenzy wouldn't be too good. But, love is so beautiful. It makes your day bright, and thrilling. And, blessed and joyous. Love keeps you in high spirits, and carries you away to cloud nine.

...உன்னரகே இருந்தும் உண்மை சொல்ல துணிவு இல்லை
கைகளிலே விரல் இறந்தும் கைகள் கோர்க்க முடியவில்லை
உன்னை எனக்கு பிடிக்கும் அதை சொல்வதில் தானே தயக்கம்
நீயே சொல்லும் வரைக்கும் என் காதலும் காத்து கிடக்கும்
தினம் தினம் கனவில் வந்து விடு
நம் திருமண அழைபிதழ் தந்து விடு...

The above, in Tamil, is appeasing. She is  feeling apprehensive and demure, and,  is expecting him to read between the lines.  Beautiful. A girl, is always a girl. She expects silently, but rarely divulges. Love is, actually, silent, when you come to think of it. The eyes and the hearts speak, in a language only known to both. 

Love is unpretentious. Love is intricate. Contradicting ??? Go figure, yourself. 
Listen to this song. You are surely to smile. You are surely to remember some sweet moment in your life, when the tongue is tied and the heart is roaring loud. Yours truly is smiling, already. 

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