Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ya Ya Ya Yaathava from Devaraagam (Tamil)

First day of November. One more month to go - before the year ends. I want to start with something happy. Something joyful and peppy - but, at the same time, dreamy and poetic. What comes to mind is the awesome number from a touching movie titled Devaraagam that was released in 1996. It is actually a Malayalam movie, dubbed into Tamil. I have watched the latter. A good storyline with equally mind blowing acting by Arvindswamy and the gorgeous Sri Devi. 
I have a soft spot for this particular song. It gives a kind of serenity to the languishing heart. 
Heading to bed within the next few minutes. This song, on replay mode, will serenade me to sleep, tonight. 
Nitez, all.

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