Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Thendrale from Endrendum Kathal

I wish I had more time - on hand - to blog. I love to write, to scrawl and to scribble. It keeps me engaged. I guess I have only penned one this month, and today is already the tenth. A little slow, compared to the other months. But, I promise to catch up. This is, after all, year end. There are so many things that I must put in writing. 
My second week of December unraveled beautifully. Friday, was a stellar. He has begun to open up. To divulge and to disclose - through sweet, magnetic phrases. So very refreshing. 
Again - thank you Guglielmo Marconi - the father of the radio - for broadcasting this number. Ages since I listened to it. 
நெஞ்சில் தாங்கும் நியாபகங்கள், வண்ணம் இழக்குமா?
நானில்லை என்னிடம், நெஞ்சமோ உன்னிடம் 

இடம் காலம் மாறும்போதும்
என் பாசம் மாறுமா ?????
ஓ தென்றலே என் தோளில் சாய வா .....
காதல் நெஞ்சின் ஆசை எல்லாம் உன்னோடு பேச வா?????

Happy Weekend !!!

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