Thursday, June 30, 2011

Anbinalae Aala Vantha from Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum

June went by rather slow. For me. Today is a day away from July. And, we shall, soon bid goodbye to half year. So fast -  where time is concerned. Don't you agree ?
I have so many things on mind. Staples that I need to abide by. However, the 2011 New Year Resolution list is somehow displaced. Forget that. Who ACTUALLY keeps them? No. Not the list. The resolutions, I mean. 
Watched Aaranya Kandam during the weekend. I thought it was one great piece of art. The ultimate Tamil gangster movie. The story spreads out unexpectedly. A Tamil eye opener. Enjoyed the entire movie despite the violence, crudity and lewdness. 
Found this rare number on YouTube, and am presently in high spirits. This song put me there. Love does that. To all of us. Puts us in a state of bliss and joy. 
Aged but equally fascinating. The one - my Morgiana heart sings to Junior Ali Baba. 

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