Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thandhane Thandhana Thandhane from Kathavarayan

Reminiscing over Appa. Still. He loved Chandrababu. I do, too. Just because Appa did - in the beginning. Gradually, I, too, became engrossed with him. For my own reasons. His sense of humour, his singing and dancing antiques, his acting abilities and his blithe, buoyant, footloose and fancy free attitude. 
Chandrababu. An interest Mogan and I shared - recently. He is, alike me, someone from Generation Y. The Millennial Generation. But, Chandrababu, is a figure, that he, too, delights in. The fact, that he did, impressed and awed, me. I liked the solidarity we shared. It was few and far between. Not probable, I assumed. He gave credence. 
Listen to this one. I bet you want to smile. Peppy and perky, this one will tickle you pink. Hope you enjoy it you as much as I do. Chandrababu is cute. Semma cute. Yet again. The word I so like to say, of lately. Cheers, people.

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