Sunday, January 15, 2012

Asku Laska from Nanban

"தை பிறந்தால் வழி பிறக்கும்"
“The Lord Who is true to His devotees” Near Cuddalore, South Arcot District, Tamil Nadu
Happy Ponggal, everyone !!!!! The day started real early for me. Our sweet ponggal, a rice dish  boiled with milk and jaggery, boiled and overflowed around 8.52am, with its first spill, facing the east - the most influential cardinal point. Auspicious, I believe. And, a sign of optimism. It is, after all, where, the sun rises, doesn't it ? The rising of a sun is usually equaled to a new beginning. Ponggal, is too. The birth of the Tamil month of Thai. The month, that we Hindus believe would bring us a lot of good opportunities and great fortune. 
I read his SMS around 11.28am - after prayers and breakfast. It was received around 9.56am. I reply, immediately. ஆருவம்... they would say, in Tamil. Meaning, enthusiasm. 
"It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living," quotes Oliver Wendell Holmes. So agree..... 
I thank God for everything. This blessed life.....
Again - Happy Ponggal, all !!!!!

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