Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mazhai Varum from Veppam

I adore this song. Heaps. It is my caller ring tone. They have, both, male and female version. My favourite, is of course, the latter. Rain. Something that I am so attached to. Of lately. Rain. We hit off, on one. September 29th 2010. Recap - my post that particular day. We have come a long way since that significant day. So, it is not surprising, that this song is also a must listen for me, on an everyday basis. Love the lyrics. Every single line..... So apt. So, so apt.....
If you are by any chance, on the same boat as me, you will understand, how beautiful and meaningful this song is. Love is enduring, but surviving. God bless us. He knows the depth of my heart, and He shall lead my way...... 
p/s :- India is barely a week away. Woohooooooooooooo :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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