Saturday, January 29, 2011

Neethana Neethana from Sarvam

I swear. He has eyes that drown me in delight. And the most promising smile you can ever imagine. On the 24th, he sat across me, but chose to talk to me over the mobile. Very charming. A total knock out. Yours truly is still reeling from it.
He swept me off my feet, again, on the 26th. He has been doing it quiet often, that I am practically walking on air, on most days, now.
Again, it was a notable Saturday morning. Waking up to his voice is enduring. He has an immense sense of humour - at such an early hour.
This time, tomorrow, I will be in the land where my soul resides. India. Vacation begins approximately in another 20 hours or so. I am all accelerated. Despite the numerous trips.
The song I want to post today.  Hmmm. The one that comes to mind in a jiffy is, Neethana from Sarvam. Catchy and nice. Yuvan rocks, as always.

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